
※ [2007.10.29] 画像載せました&ちょっと追記


いまいち F# らしいコードになっていない気がする。誰か添削してくれるといいのに。

open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Drawing

type TetrisBlock = {
  position : int * int
  pattern  : int[,]

type TetrisGame = {
  mutable block : TetrisBlock
  field         : int[,]
  rectsize      : int
  width         : int
  height        : int
  mutable point : int
  mutable gameover : bool

module Block =

  let createAtRandom =
    let patterns =
      let a =
        [| [| 1; 1 |]
           [| 1; 1 |] |]
      let b =
        [| [| 0; 1; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 1 |] |]
      let c =
        [| [| 0; 1; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 1 |]
           [| 0; 1; 0 |] |]
      let d =
        [| [| 1; 1; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 1 |]
           [| 0; 0; 0 |] |]
      let e =
        [| [| 0; 1; 0; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 0; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 0; 0 |]
           [| 0; 1; 0; 0 |] |]
      [| a; b; c; d; e |]

    let rand = new Random()

    fun () ->
      let pat = patterns.[rand.Next() % (Array.length patterns)]
      let row = Array.length pat
      let col = Array.length pat.[0]
      let block = {
        position = (3, 0)
        pattern  = Array2.create row col 0
      for i = 0 to row - 1 do
        for j = 0 to col - 1 do
          block.pattern.[j, i] <- pat.[i].[j]

  let rotate block =
    let len = Array2.length1 block.pattern
    let newblock = {
      position = block.position
      pattern  = Array2.create len len 0
    for i = 0 to len - 1 do
      for j = 0 to len - 1 do
        newblock.pattern.[i, j] <- block.pattern.[len - 1 - j, i]

  type Direction = Right | Left | Down

  let move block direction =
    let x, y = block.position
    match direction with
    | Right -> { position = (x + 1, y); pattern = block.pattern }
    | Left  -> { position = (x - 1, y); pattern = block.pattern }
    | Down  -> { position = (x, y + 1); pattern = block.pattern }

module Tetris =

  let draw tetris (g : Graphics) =
    let drawRect brush (x, y) =
      let size = tetris.rectsize
      let pt = new Point( x * size, y * size )
      let rect = new Rectangle( pt, new Size( size - 2, size - 2 ) )
      g.FillRectangle( brush, rect )

    // tetris.field を描画
    let brush = new SolidBrush( Color.Blue )
    tetris.field |> Array2.iteri
      (fun i j a -> if a <> 0 then drawRect brush (i, j) )

    if tetris.gameover then
      // GAME OVER と表示
      let font = new Font( "MS UI Gothic", 20.f )
      g.DrawString( "GAME OVER", font, Brushes.Red, 4.f, 16.f )
      // tetris.block を描画
      let x, y = tetris.block.position
      let brush = new SolidBrush( Color.Gold )
      tetris.block.pattern |> Array2.iteri
        (fun i j a -> if a <> 0 then drawRect brush (x + i, y + j))

  let create rectsize width height =
      block = Block.createAtRandom()
      field = Array2.create width height 0
      rectsize = rectsize
      width = width
      height = height
      point = 0
      gameover = false

  let detectCollision block field =
    let result = ref false
    let x, y = block.position
    block.pattern |> Array2.iteri
      (fun i j a ->
        if a <> 0 then
          let xi = x + i
          let yj = y + j
          if xi < 0 or xi >= Array2.length1 field or
             yj < 0 or yj >= Array2.length2 field or
             field.[xi, yj] <> 0 then result := true

  let transit tetris =
    let fix () =
      let x, y = tetris.block.position
      tetris.block.pattern |> Array2.iteri
        (fun i j a -> if a <> 0 then tetris.field.[x + i, y + j] <- 1)

    let collapse () =
      let isFilledLine y =
        let mutable filled = true
        for x = 0 to tetris.width - 1 do
          if tetris.field.[x, y] = 0 then filled <- false

      let collapseLine y =
        for yy = y downto 1 do
          for x = 0 to tetris.width - 1 do
            tetris.field.[x, yy] <- tetris.field.[x, yy - 1]
      let mutable count = 0
      for y = tetris.height - 1 downto 0 do
        while isFilledLine y do
          collapseLine y
          count <- count + 1

    if not tetris.gameover then
      let moved = Block.move tetris.block Block.Down
      if detectCollision moved tetris.field then
        let count = collapse()
        tetris.point <- tetris.point + count * count
        tetris.block <- Block.createAtRandom()
        tetris.block <- moved

      if detectCollision tetris.block tetris.field then
        tetris.gameover <- true

  let operate tetris keycode =
    let newblock =
      match keycode with
        | Keys.Space -> Some (Block.rotate tetris.block)
        | Keys.Up    -> Some (Block.rotate tetris.block)
        | Keys.Right -> Some (Block.move tetris.block Block.Right)
        | Keys.Left  -> Some (Block.move tetris.block Block.Left)
        | Keys.Down  -> Some (Block.move tetris.block Block.Down)
        | _ -> None
    match newblock with
      | None   -> ()
      | Some x ->
        if not (detectCollision x tetris.field) then
          tetris.block <- x

let mainform =
  let tetris = Tetris.create 16 10 16
  let panel =
    let c = new Control()
    let w = tetris.rectsize * tetris.width
    let h = tetris.rectsize * tetris.height
    c.Size <- new Size( w, h )
    c.Location <- new Point( 2, 32 )
    c.BackColor <- Color.Black
    c.Paint.Add ( fun e -> Tetris.draw tetris e.Graphics )
    c.KeyUp.Add (fun e ->
      Tetris.operate tetris e.KeyCode; c.Invalidate())
  let label =
    let l = new Label()
    l.Width <- panel.Width
    l.Location <- new Point( 2, 2 )
    l.Font <- new Font( "MS UI Gothic", 16.f )
  let timer =
    let t = new System.Timers.Timer()
    t.Enabled <- true
    t.Interval <- 400.0
    t.Elapsed.Add( fun _ ->
      Tetris.transit tetris
      label.Text <- "POINT: " + tetris.point.ToString()
      if tetris.gameover then
        t.Enabled <- false
      panel.Invalidate() )
  let form =
    let f = new Form()
    let w = panel.Width + 4
    let h = panel.Height + label.Height + 10
    f.Text <- "TETRIS"
    f.Controls.Add( label )
    f.Controls.Add( panel )
    f.ClientSize <- new Size( w, h )

Application.Run( mainform )